Frequently Asked Question

Faxing for Faculty/Staff (At the machine)
Last Updated about a month ago

If you're a member of the Faculty/Staff here at TBCGS and you find yourself in the rare need to fax a document we have a fax machine in the Enrollment office.

The fax number is 701-349-5786

1. To Fax something simply login to the copier with your TBCGS username and password (or ID # and PIN if you've set that up on your account). 
2. Once you're logged into the system click on the physical "Fax" button to be taken to the sending screen.
3. On the fax screen press the "Fax No Entry" button
4. Here type the phone number of the machine you are sending a fax to. You do not need to start with a 7 as the fax machine is not on the normal phone system. So there is no need to dial out.  Simply add a "1" to the beginning of the number if it's long distance. If it's a local call you don't need to do this, simply type in the number using the physical keypad. Here are the formats for the numbers

Local: #######
Long Distance 1(###)####### -- ####

5. If it's a long distance call you need to put two pauses followed by your department's long distance code. If you don't know it please ask your Department Head or the Business Office.

To add a Pause simply click the "Pause" button on the screen under the number entry box.

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