Frequently Asked Question

How do I change my password in Moodle ?
Last Updated about a month ago

When changing your password it's important to realize that there are two separate systems employed by TBC and changing your password in one will not change it in the other.

These two systems are: Empower and on campus TBC systems

When we initially setup your accounts we set these two systems equal to each other. If you don't do the same, you will end up with two different passwords to remember. Which isn't a bad thin, just something to keep in mind.

To change your password in Empower:

To change your password in Moodle:

Changing your password in Moodle effects several other systems. This password is used to log into on-campus computers, the printers, and the TBC1 wireless.

1. Log into InsideTrinity (Moodle) :
2. Select your name at the top of the page to open a drop-down menu
3. Select "Edit Profile" from the list
4. On the right-hand side - in the Administration Block - click the "Change Password" link
5. Enter your old password, followed by your new password.

Password Minimum Requirements:

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